9 minutes

Project management software, sometimes referred to as productivity software, is one of the best tools a business can use to save time, work more efficiently, and keep everyone on the same page. With the ability to manage tasks, share files, and exchange important information with team members, you can rest easy knowing that the work is moving along as intended and everyone is kept in the loop. After the pandemic, many companies adopted the remote or hybrid work model, and that’s why using project management software is more important now than ever. As a company, it is crucial to ensure the work pipeline is clear of any potential bottlenecks that might hinder performance and output. Productivity software within your organization will help your team execute their tasks as effectively as possible, whether from home or in the office. Here are just a few ways it can empower you and your team to stay organized and keep productive. Let’s check them out!


Communication is the cornerstone of effective collaboration, and the importance of having the lines of communication open cannot be overlooked. Whether you’re a startup business, a creative agency or a major corporation, keeping employees in the know and connecting them with management, coworkers, and external partners is valuable at any size company, in any industry. 

Alignment meetings, visits to learn about structures and video calls between teams are some of the facilitators of communications within an organization, and they can be combined with Nutcache’s powerful tools.

With our productivity software, you can create and manage different teams on a single platform, visualize the work being done with Gantt charts, exchange important information and get feedback from teammates using the comments section within each task of your project and, with that, ensure that all your employees are aligned with as much information as possible.



Workplace Culture

As remote or hybrid work continues to become the new norm, having a solid workplace culture is even more important than before. However, when teams work from home or in alternate days or places and don’t have enough direct interactions, establishing a company culture that effectively reaches across all the different verticals and locations can become a huge challenge. A pleasant workplace environment is one where people are encouraged to discuss their concerns, provide input or share their ideas. ​​Thankfully, Nutcache offers a solution to this problem removing unnecessary obstacles to help people easily connect, collaborate, and get work done. With the correct strategies and tools, offices can facilitate the change and guarantee that work is both profitable and satisfying no matter how and where employees work.

1. A Culture of Collaboration

A physical office offers us the opportunity to experience the most personal parts of workplace culture, such as visiting colleagues at their desks, going out for lunch, exchanging ideas in a meeting room, and having casual chats with colleagues from other departments. But, with the trend in remote or hybrid working on the rise, many workers can’t help but feel that they are losing connections with teammates outside of their immediate department. Moreover, many became more siloed, working alone and out of sight of their teams. Fortunately, Nutcache is a powerful tool to help you and other employees to get more connected while using the software and exchanging work routines and thoughts. This helps to improve trust within teams, ensuring they feel comfortable sharing new suggestions or voicing potentially controversial ideas. 

2. A Culture of Accountability 

In an online project management platform such as Nutcache, it’s easy for teammates to keep up with one another’s roles and duties – and even easier to see the whole pipeline if you’re a project manager. By using specific ways to visualize the work being done, employees can access the big picture of the project – such as tasks, who is responsible for each one, deadlines and budgets, for example -, which means no one is in the dark about who’s responsible for delivering what, and on what date. Once the wheels are in motion, responsibilities can easily be reviewed to make sure that the appropriate tasks are given to the appropriate people. In this way, there is very little chance that anything will fall through the cracks – progress, due dates, and team comments are where everyone can see them.

While everyone should have a firm understanding of their role and responsibilities, it always helps to know other team members’ duties as well. When everyone knows who is doing what, it minimizes the chance of unnecessary overlap between tasks. Additionally, team members can also support each other by offering help if it’s needed, in the interests of achieving the common goal. Project managers can use tools like time tracking and workload to see who’s performing well and carry out virtual appraisals for employees – motivation makes happier teams!

3. A Culture of Transparency

Transparency might have become somewhat of a buzzword in the workplace, but transparent communication creates an environment where people are held accountable for their work and aren’t afraid to contribute new ideas – and doing all that gets way easier using Nutcache. Users can leave comments for all to see, tag specific people, and exchange valuable information. And, with ample storage, you can retain notes as much as needed and upload files within the team workspace and share them with guest users like freelancers or clients. In this way, clients also participate in the work routine and maintain an active exchange of information with your organization. Other useful functions for organizing the routine include grouping everything you need to make a deliverable within the task itself – attachments, custom fields, start and end dates, assignees, and more. This will help workers feel that they’re part of the big picture. After all, the more perspectives on a project, the better its chances of reaching its full potential. 

Productivity Software for Hybrid Working

A hybrid work model includes a mixture of remote, semi-remote, and in-office employees. Depending on the company setup, hybrid workers may attend the office on certain days, or they may pick and choose. Others may be permanently office-based or work remotely full-time.

During the pandemic, businesses discovered that productivity remains high even though employees don’t work from the office. It’s easy to see why a growing number of companies are making a move to permanent remote and hybrid work models. However, without the right tools, workers in these work models can feel pressured to perform exhaustively. Nutcache allows hybrid workers to collaborate and share information at their fingertips. Wherever you are, you can easily:

  • Create, assign, and manage tasks and subtasks
  • Set due dates, custom fields and recurring tasks
  • Upload attachments
  • Trade important informations using comments and files
  • Keep track of everything using the Activity Log

If you own or work for an organization which adopted a remote or hybrid work format, productivity software offers a host of useful tools to help companies adapt better to both models and ensure that remote teams can stay organized and productive when they’re not sharing a physical office. From freelancer employees to C-levels, Nutcache helps to boost teamwork and allow coworkers to stay connected in real-time, regardless of where they are in the world. 

Project Estimating

Regardless of the scope of a project, figuring out estimates for costs, resources, and time can be difficult. Unexpected hiccups, like team members falling ill or budgets getting slashed, makes determining project estimates that much more difficult. Thankfully, through analyzing the data available and using information imparted by the client, you can better predict how much a project will cost, how long it will take, and what tasks will be involved to complete – and all of this can be made in real-time using Nutcache as your productivity software to avoid bad surprises during the process and at the end of it.  

With organizational charts and tools such as a Gantt chart, workload management and accurate time tracking, real-time budgeting and an integrated invoicing system, you can easily set up and estimate a potential project to get a sense of the work, time and costs it will require, plus an intuitive interface with mobile kanban-style task cards that refer to each step involved to help you monitor the time spent on each delivery. You can also create estimated timelines, assign resources, and schedule team members to work on specific tasks. By organizing in this way, you can easily track whether your projects are on track or whether they have gone off track and make sure they’re back at them before everything goes wrong.

Time Management

If you’re like most people you can’t help but say yes to questions like these: Can you send that report by the end of the day? Do you want to sit in on the interview? Will you join this afternoon’s holiday party planning meeting? Taking initiative is an easy way to show that we’re dedicated to the job and helping the team. But it’s also likely to make our to-do lists feel unmanageable. 

As the workplace continues to evolve, it’s only going to get more challenging to manage our time. But it’s too valuable of a resource for us to waste. With time-management tools, we can increase our focus and productivity, check off the final item on our to-do lists, and go home a little earlier to unwind and enjoy time with friends and family.

It’s easy to schedule your day with an old-school planner using pen and paper. But it’s much harder to predict the right circumstances to focus on a complex spreadsheet or write a presentation.​​ Our productivity is based on what, and how much, we do in a given time period. What we can accomplish in a day dictates how quickly our projects can progress. The more distractions and time-consuming tasks, the less actual progress we make. Productivity software can help you manage your projects and your time with a new perspective.

Manage your attention

Project management software takes the guesswork out of productivity. Are you more alert and energetic in the morning or the afternoon? When could you use a break to recharge? At what point of the day is it best to do something that requires less gray matter? Instead of managing your time, you can manage your attention. Each morning, spend a few minutes to plan out your must-do tasks and designate specific blocks of time to be alone and work on a project, brainstorm with your team or manage your phone notifications, or take microbreaks when working on a big task. When you have a plan, it’s easier to ignore distractions, keep focused, and stay on schedule.

Work smarter, not harder 

Constantly switching between different apps is a huge time suck. Keeping your calendars, documents and notes in one place will make it easier to get essential work done. Putting everything in one place so your team wastes less time trying to remember passwords, scrambling for emails and documents, and sending out important information. You can share and collaborate on files right within the app as well as share insights with your teammates. 

And it’s not just convenient for large teams. Even for small businesses, using Nutcache brings huge benefits. In the same vein, meetings scheduled throughout the day also hurt productivity by making us constantly shift gears every hour, preventing us from getting into a good work groove. In short, meetings that could have been an email kill productivity. For one, time spent sitting in superfluous meetings means less time spent on projects that really need attention. 

Less searching, more working

A task management solution that brings everything together in one place is the best way to maximize efficiency, increase productivity and improve collaboration, and guess what does that? Yep, Nutcache! You can enjoy a comprehensive time tracking, invoicing and expense management features that, along with its project management functionality, provide an integrated workspace to manage projects from ideation to completion, which helps to easily search for information, track time management, and identify issues at an early stage.

What’s next?

Now that you already know the powerful tools that Nutcache can offer your business, as well as techniques and best practices to make your team more integrated and productive, it’s time to put all of them into practice in your organization. Take a look at our plans now and discover the one that best fits your business. Stop feeling the pain and start feeling the power of having Nutcache as your project management software. We promise: you won’t regret it!