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29 04, 2015

6 Reasons Why Time Tracking is Required for Freelancers

2019-05-28T15:05:18+00:00April 29th, 2015|

5 minutes

It takes a lot more motivation and discipline for a freelancer to stay focused, irrespective of the nature of their jobs. While you have the freedom for managing your own time, there are just too many distractions and without a proper [...]

16 03, 2015

How Tracking Your Time Can Make You Productive

2019-05-28T15:05:20+00:00March 16th, 2015|

5 minutes

A common perception is anything that can be measured, can be improved. With the easy availability of tracking technologies it is quite easy to be overwhelmed by the numerous things you need to keep track of. But one thing that everyone [...]

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