4 minutes

In our article on collecting feedback from your clients , we have shown why feedback is important for your business. However, the opposite is also true: feedback is important to your clients. Among other things,  it motivates your clients  to become better collaborators.

However, for your clients to improve, you must give them a constructive remark, which they will accept if it proves appropriate. We present in this article the best tips for providing feedback.

Provide feedback as quickly as possible

Let us start by answering the following question: when should you provide feedback to your client? As quickly as possible! If you wait too long, there is a greater risk that your client will forget the words or gestures you criticized. It will be even more difficult to remedy the situation, especially if the working environment has deteriorated in the meantime.   

And even if it’s positive feedback, do not wait to compliment your client. Everyone needs to feel appreciated at work, and this can only help your client to continue working with you.

Prepare yourself

Of course, you must provide your feedback as quickly as possible. However, do not contact your client on the spur of the moment. Take a moment to think about what you are going to communicate to your client, and also to consider how you are going to express yourself. 

To help you, do not hesitate to rely on solid documentation. This could take the form of emails, or even notes shared between you in your project management tool. For example, with the online Nutcache  solution, you can perform a search in your table by entering your client’s name in the “Member” field. 

Meet your client privately

Nothing prevents you from providing feedback to your client on the telephone or online.  However, if you prefer to see your client in person, make sure to meet him or her privately. Your client can then concentrate on the work that remains to be done without worrying about what your colleagues think of him or her. Moreover, even if it is a compliment, some people do not like to be the centre of attention. Help them feel comfortable in order to receive your feedback better.

Be accurate in your feedback

In teamwork, good communications are an important element of the success of a project. And for there to be good communications, the message must be understood by both parties. That is why you must be as accurate as possible in your feedback to your client .

For example, do not just say “nice job” to your client. Provide more details on the actions you wish to see repeated in future collaborations. This also applies to negative feedback, with areas for improvement. Fortunately, you can count on your documentation work to support your remarks.

Concentrate on the facts

The best feedback is based on the facts, and not on opinions. Remember that good feedback is for the purpose of encouraging your client to continue working or to improve. It is above all for him or her that you must provide guidance. 

When communicating your feedback to your client, you need to distance yourself from your personal views and remain objective. This is an additional reason to become well informed before the meeting. Indeed, if you base youself on verifiable data, your client can notice his or her good and bad moves. It is thus more difficult to dispute your remarks. 

Add the positive

Few people enjoy being criticized, even if it is constructive criticism. However, there are many ways for your client to be open to your feedback. One of them is the “sandwich method”, which consists of placing a criticism between two “slices” of compliments.

This method may also be improved by more positive “slices”. As an example, you can start by making some positive comments about your client’s work. Do not forget to emphasize your client’s qualities, because they will be brought back after your negative “slice” to restore confidence. The important thing is that everything end on a positive note! 

Encourage your client  to take action

In case of negative feedback, it is necessary to go into solution mode so that this situation does not happen again. It’s not about giving advice, but about involving your client in finding solutions.. After all, he or she is an expert in his or her field and is the best person to improve his or her own products or services.

Do not hesitate to ask him or her questions in ourder to start thinking. For example: “What would you have done differently to solve the problem? By involving him or her in the solution, your client feels more like your teammate.

Follow up

Finding a solution is good. However, it must still be applied and you must see changes. Before ending your exchange with your client, make sure you agree on the next steps. Will your client have to come back to you with an action plan? Should you establish a date to evaluate your client’s progress? There is no predetermined prescription.  However, it is still important to let your client have some time to implement the solution. And if there is improvement at your next meeting, providing positive feedback  will be very appreciated!

Thanks to these tips, your client will be much more disposed to listen to you. Providing feedback is not always easy, but when it is accomplished with good intentions, it can only contribute to better results.

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