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1 02, 2022

Top 7 soft skills for project managers and how to build them: a practical guide

2022-02-01T15:32:30+00:00February 1st, 2022|

When starting a new career, we face a variety of challenges. These hardships are usually related to training and studying all that is required to execute the job. That’s why we bury our faces in books, take online courses, and attend classes to prepare ourselves. But, we tend to forget that starting a career also [...]

6 01, 2022

Are teamwork and collaboration the same? 9 examples from great companies

2022-01-07T20:02:55+00:00January 6th, 2022|

As companies grow, a big challenge grows alongside them: cultivating a workforce that has strong teamwork and collaboration skills. The issue is that these two concepts can easily get mixed up since both involve the relationships between employees, and their efficiency to complete tasks and reach goals quicker. Despite the apparent similarity, each notion has [...]

21 12, 2021

Are you succeeding at remote management?

2021-12-22T13:15:15+00:00December 21st, 2021|

In modern work culture, remote management is a relatively new concept that has been intensified due to the new dynamics created by the quarantine and the advent of officeless companies. It is a form of leadership with its own perks, especially when it comes to a better work-life balance, fewer office expenses, and higher productivity, [...]

8 12, 2021

7 great tools that make a difference in work productivity + 3 bonus tips

2023-05-31T02:19:50+00:00December 8th, 2021|

In modern work culture, it’s almost impossible to get the job done without using at least one technology solution. Programs, tools, and applications were created to make people and businesses’ lives easier, and they are pretty good at it. In fact, they are becoming indispensable methods to increase work productivity, collaboration levels, and overall success.  [...]

24 11, 2021

How to leverage asynchronous communication to productivity

2023-03-15T22:28:48+00:00November 24th, 2021|

Modern working can mean anything from a shared physical workspace to a remote situation where people work individually across the globe while collaborating as part of a team. Regardless of where you work, asynchronous communication means the same thing: a delay between when communication is sent and when it is replied to.  Asynchronous communication is [...]

23 11, 2021

5 benefits of using project management software for holiday and leave management

2021-11-23T17:21:56+00:00November 23rd, 2021|

Holiday and leave management is an important aspect of any company, big or small. While it may seem like an easy task, it is so much more than simply looking at a timesheet. For example, you may need to differentiate between different types of time off, such as vacation time, personal leave, maternity leave, medical [...]

10 11, 2021

Project life cycle: easily manage a project in 6 steps

2021-11-11T14:55:42+00:00November 10th, 2021|

Every new project comes with costs, deliverables, deadlines, and demands. Failing to manage all of these moving parts could result in lost money, wasted resources, and failed projects. Fortunately, following the project life cycle methodology can bring order to the bedlam.  The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines the project life cycle as, “a collection of [...]

12 08, 2021

How Starbucks teamwork and partnership culture can inspire your employees

2021-08-13T12:54:59+00:00August 12th, 2021|

You probably fit one of these two categories: either you had at least one Starbucks drink in your life or you had the curiosity to find out what all the hype is about. The popularity of the coffee company (and a lot of other drinks) is undeniable, Starbucks managed to create a universal appeal not [...]

22 07, 2021

How to do competitive benchmarking to manage project growth

2021-07-27T13:41:18+00:00July 22nd, 2021|

No business can operate in isolation. To gain sustainable success, it’s essential to know how you are performing and how your competitors are performing. This allows you to compare your progress against your own projections and against industry averages. Competitive benchmarking is a practice that allows you to make accurate comparisons with other companies operating [...]

21 06, 2021

Managing employees post-Covid: 4 markers of great leadership

2021-06-21T15:26:32+00:00June 21st, 2021|

For more than a year now, we have existed in a world where social distancing, lockdowns, and isolation are the norm. As the Covid-19 vaccine continues to roll out, there are glimmers of life returning to normal. Normal. Normal? The fact of the matter is that the pandemic revealed that there are many new ways [...]

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